Scoliosis is a degenerative condition often diagnosed during adolescence. Over time, the spine forms curves side-to-side in either a “C” or “S” shape depending on severity. Scoliosis can then cause a variety of other issues for the sufferer.
+Most scoliosis sufferers have an idiopathic diagnosis or have no known cause.
+While pain isn’t always common, other symptoms related to the pressure of misalignment are usually present and may be causing pain.
+By releasing tension in key areas, Neurosomatic Therapy reduces the degree of curvature associated with scoliosis.
The most obvious characteristic of scoliosis is the curvature of the spine from left to right. The disease is often noticed in school after reaching a growth spurt during puberty. Although most cases of scoliosis are mild to begin with, the condition has a tendency to get worse over time as the patient grows. Most cases of scoliosis are idiopathic or have no known cause. A severe distortion of spine alignment, scoliosis can lead to intense back pain, referred pain anywhere in the body, and impaired system functions. Patients may have the following symptoms:
+'S' or 'C' Curves in Spine
+One Shoulder or Hip Higher Than The Other
+Uneven Waist
+One Shoulder Blade Protrude More Than The Other
+Ribs Protrude on One Side
+Rotation or Twist in Spine
+Back PainDifficulty Breathing
Some cases of scoliosis are present with other conditions such as spina bifida, cerebral palsy, muscular atrophy, and more. However, after being diagnosed most cases of scoliosis have no known cause and are labeled idiopathic. It is believed that scoliosis is caused by hereditary conditions or birth defects that affect the shape of the spine. Injuries or infections can also cause this condition. The principles of Neurosomatic Therapy teach that 'Form follows function, and function follows form’. In the case of scoliosis, the muscles on the inside of the curves are pulling the spine out of alignment.
Postures where a spinal curvature, or Scoliosis, has developed predispose someone to experience a bulging or herniated disc (a “structural” issue) in the lumbar region of the spine, causing low back pain. If this postural distortion is allowed to continue, the likelihood that the disc herniation will become worse is very high. On the other hand, correcting the posture and the curvature of the spine can remove the pressure from the disc that caused the herniation in the first place, quiet often allowing the disc to migrate back to its original position, resolving the pain not only from the bulge but from the muscular imbalance as well. Muscle pain caused by spasm, strain, triggers points and reduced blood flow can be the result of the same spinal curvature. While these issues can contribute to pressures that may eventually cause disc herniation, they are often the main cause of low back pain all by themselves. There are many factors that can contribute to the muscular imbalances involved in a situation like this but, more importantly, recognizing the postural imbalance, which muscles are involved and applying treatment techniques to normalize the imbalance are vital to eliminating discomfort and clumsiness experienced with Scoliosis. Neurosomatic Therapy takes a systematic, measurable, and efficient approach to postural balance.
You can’t hit a target that you can’t see. The basis of Neurosomatic Therapy is an extensive evaluation of posture and a deep understanding about consequences for the body when it deviates from a balanced posture. The combination of these two facets of our work is a powerful tool in alleviating discomfort.
Call today to let one of our expert therapists answer any questions you may have regarding Scoliosis.